Blade Runner Movie Home Page

First Steps


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First Steps
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Okay, you're just starting and you don't want to look at the walkthrough - you just want to get an idea how to play this game. Well, start here. We cover the basic concepts of interacting with people, getting photos to Esper and how to V-K people.


In the first scene, you start outside Runciter's place. At this time you'll probably want to experiment with the controls, so click somewhere and see McCoy walking Then double-click and he'll run.

Interaction with people and finding clues:

Next talk to the officer in duty, you'll know you can talk to him because the mouse pointer will change. Look around; see anything else? Look carefully.

Now enter the building, talk to Runciter himself, after you've talked, click on the camera; Runciter will give you a disk. Take a look round for anything else and once you've investigated the scene, make your way out and get in your spinner.


When in the lift at the police station, select level 2, enter the door on the right, then click on the far right monitor, uploading will begin. Once that's finished click on the left hand monitor, you'll see the image Runciter gave you. Click on it to begin searching it for more clues...


You need to look for someone - Lucy. At a first glance this looks impossible, but on closer inspection you'll see Lucy. This shows how much attention you need to pay to detail. Would you have thought that Lucy was there?

In fact, this is pretty much how the game goes, you need to pay attention to detail, never leave a scene until you've scoured it for clues, or the next time you come back, the clue could be gone!

Always examine the photos in detail!


"Hello there Lucy!"

How to V-K suspects:

The Voight-Kampff machine tests empathic responses and identifies whether the subject is human or replicant. The option to use the V-K is presented to you, so don't bother wondering how to make it happen. Now, it is a sensitive piece of equipment, so needs calibrating before you start in order to get the most accurate readings. You don't want to go shooting any humans now do you? If you are serious about getting the most accurate results, you will calibrate your machine 3 times. Yes, THREE times.

Once you start to V-K somebody, you need to be wary about getting them to annoyed, (humans can get agitated just as easily as reps!) The high intensity questions get you the results, but too many high intensity questions is guaranteed to annoy someone. So, start off with a couple of low intensity questions, then a couple of medium, then a couple of high. You'll probably need to drop down and ask a couple more medium intensity questions before maybe asking another high intensity one. The V-K machine will automatically shut off when the test completes.

If you need further assistance, read our walkthrough. Happy Blade-Runner-ing!