Blade Runner Souvenir Magazine - Official Collector's Edition








The magazine covers were put together by the art department. You don't really see them up close, but Ridley is such a stickler for detail that he didn't want a 1982 VOGUE there. He wanted futuristic titles.

Moni magazine cover created for Blade Runner

Droid magazine cover created for Blade Runner

Left: The futuristic covers were created to add to the overall atmosphere and detail of the metropolis. Note magazine article topics.

Note: The BRSM only showed two B&W images, so I have supplemented them with scans from the CfQ BR article - Netrunner

Extra info from Netrunner

The magazine covers were created for BR background by Tom Southwall who created most of the background signs and images you see in Ridleyville. Below is a selection of the Magazine Topics:

Higher Tech - L G Paull
Earthlings Pay Big $ To See Future - M Deeley
Illegal Aliens - R Scott

DROID - The Magazine of the Replicant Industry
Smithsonian Roxbxox on Automaton XM-1
Tyrell's Nexus Six Worth the Price?

KILL - All the News That's Fit to Kill
98 Dead in Spinner Dive
New - Heart Breaker - Pocket Size Unit
Guard Dogs You Never Feed
Death Penalty Snuffs 13 Juroks in Freak Accident - Color Special
In the Red Section This Week - Multiple Murders - Reader's-Own Photos

HORN - Guaranteed to Knock Your Jocks Off
The Cosmic Orgasm
Hot Lust in Space
New Oiled Shots to Spread On
Nose-Trode Sex
Tit Job Review
Scratch & Sniff Centrespread

Krotch magazine cover created for Blade Runner

Kill magazine cover created for Blade Runner

Horn magazine cover created for Blade Runner

Tyrell Building at sunset

Above: The Tyrell Corporation pyramid was one of the most important, most discussed images in the film.

2019 newsstand in Blade Runner

Roy Batty has a crush on Eldon Tyrell

Left: After tyrell confirms there is no way to make him last longer, Batty retaliates and crushes Tyrell's skull between his powerful hands.


Above: Multilingual magazines and newsopapers are available at the local newsstands.


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